The start of a Mercenaries Campaign set in the Hinterlands setting in 3151, using the Mercenary formation and contracts rules in the new boxed set. The aim is for there to be two games during the day (the 1st two tracks of a 3 month contract).
New Players: models and Mech sheets provided, and there are some contract options designed for new players. Don’t worry if you have never played before – these can be “learn to play” games
Experienced Players: Choose two Mechs that cost 3,000bv with a G4,P5 pilot (you will get two upgrades for pilot stats)
Peterborough Wargames Club running Alpha Strike demo/participation game
BattleTech UK SouthEast and Peterborough Wargames Club will be putting on various games of BattleTech and Alpha Strike – come along and join in!
UK’s biggest tabletop games show. Catalyst will be here, with a large stall which will feature lots of demo games and usually some show-exclusive/early release stock.